How to Get Rid of Wrinkles around Mouth Naturally
Wrinkles around mouth are also called smile lines or laugh lines. Lines and wrinkles around the mouth are an unfortunate part of the aging process. Wrinkles around the mouth are also caused by other factors like, laughing, smiling, or frowning etc. Deep wrinkles around mouth can make a person look old. However, there are several treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around mouth. Cosmetic procedures like laser treatment for wrinkles around mouth reduce deep lines around mouth and lips fast. Anti-aging creams help to reduce mouth wrinkles and lines effectively.
You can make use of natural remedies to tackle smile wrinkles and wrinkles around lips naturally. There exist effective natural home remedies that can help you reduce the visibility of these deep lines and wrinkles around mouth area. smile lines treatment using home remedies will moisturize the skin to make mouth wrinkles less obvious.
Home Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles around the Mouth
If you do have wrinkles around mouth, you can opt for natural remedies that will help in reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles around mouth effectively. Here are a few home remedies that can help you get rid of wrinkles around mouth or smile lines naturally.
1. Sweet Almond Oil to Get Rid of Wrinkles around Mouth
Sweet almond oil is an excellent emollient that soothes and softens the skin. Wash and then massage your face with small quantity of sweet almond oil. It will help soften the fine lines around lip and mouth, making it a great home remedy for wrinkles around mouth or smile lines.
2. Smile Line Remedy using Honey and Egg Whites
Home remedies like honey and egg white paste are also very effective to reduce wrinkles around lips. Simply mix an egg white with a teaspoon of honey and apply the mixture to your smile lines around mouth. Leave on for fifteen or twenty minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This will help you get rid of deep wrinkles around mouth.
3. Pumpkin Seeds Remedy to Remove Smile Lines
Pumpkin seeds are an effective natural home remedy in treating smile lines. Applying a mixture of crushed pumpkin seeds in olive oil on the skin around your lips is one of the best and easiest home remedies for mouth wrinkles. Or you can simply apply olive oil on your lips and on the smile lines, and leave it over night to get rid of laugh lines naturally.
4. Milk Powder and Honey Remedy to Get Rid of Laugh Lines
Take 2 tablespoons of honey, 4 tablespoons of milk powder and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Mix them all together. Apply it on the face and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly. Honey will give your skin a glow while milk powder will make your skin softer and wrinkle-free. Try this face mask twice a week to get rid of smile lines.
5. Aloe Vera Gel Treatment for Wrinkles around Lips
Apply Aloe Vera gel directly to the wrinkles for treating wrinkles around mouth naturally. Aloe vera reduces wrinkles and improves skin texture over the course of a few weeks. This prevents the wrinkles from appearing on the skin. This is one among the best recommended natural wrinkle treatments for deep wrinkles around mouth.
6. Avocado Remedy for Smile Line Removal
Another effective means of tightening loose, wrinkled skin around mouth is to apply avocado paste on the smile lines for about 30 minutes. Then wash your face gently with lukewarm water and pat it dry. Follow this procedure every day for a couple of weeks to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around mouth. This is a powerful anti-wrinkle home remedy. Avocado plumps wrinkles and moisturizes skin.
7. Turmeric and Sugarcane Juice to Remove Wrinkles around Mouth
Another smile line home remedy is to apply a combination of turmeric and sugarcane juice to the area around the mouth. Once dry, rinse it off the face. This home remedy will tighten loose skin around mouth and reduce the appearance of laugh lines naturally.
8. Treat Smile Lines with Omega 3 Fatty Acid
Omega 3 fatty oils are one of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and lip wrinkles. Fish oil supplements are a good source of the omega 3 fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil will help get rid of wrinkles around mouth and reduce other signs of aging skin. Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in walnuts and wheat germ, cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds and pecans.
9. Anti Wrinkle Treatment using Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract is one of the best natural remedies for smile line treatment. Use grape seed extract for wrinkles as it contains proanthocyanidin which has been shown to strengthen the capillaries, help maintain the elasticity to your wrinkled skin. Massage the grape seed extract into your deep wrinkles around mouth daily to reduce the appearance of laugh lines.
10. Rice Powder Remedy To Reduce Smile Lines
Take some rice powder. Mix rose water and milk in it so as to make a thick smooth paste. Apply this face pack on your wet face, and let it stay for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. This pack will tighten and brighten your skin, removing wrinkles.
11. Home Remedy for laugh Lines using Banana
Banana has been used since ancient times to remove wrinkles. Rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, they are effective in retarding wrinkle formation. Mash two bananas into a fine paste and rub on the face and wash off after ten minutes. Use this massage twice a week.
12. Regular Exfoliation for getting Rid of Wrinkles Around Mouth
Exfoliating is another best tip to get rid of wrinkles around mouth and lip wrinkles. Exfoliation will remove the dead skin cells that make your mouth wrinkles. Try to exfoliate your lips and skin around mouth twice every week using natural beauty products like sugar, strawberries, avocado, bananas or lemon. This natural wrinkle treatment will remove lip wrinkles and smile lines around mouth naturally.
Natural Anti-aging treatments and home remedies help reduce mouth lines and smile wrinkles naturally. In addition to the above home remedies for wrinkles around mouth, you should also make sure you are drinking sufficient amount of water. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin, increases skin elasticity, and makes it less prone to developing wrinkles. Sun exposure can also lead to wrinkles around your mouth. If you go out in the sun, apply sunblock to your face to prevent the sun's ultraviolet rays from worsening your laugh lines or creating new wrinkles around your mouth.