How to Get Rid of Gallbladder Stones Fast
Gallstones or gallbladder stones are small crystalline stones that are formed in the gall bladder when bile hardens into pebble-like substances. There are some natural remedies for gallstone removal that can be adopted to get rid of gallbladder stones instead of opting for gallbladder stones surgery that may be painful. Natural remedies will allow you to remove gallstones fast, safely, and effectively. Home remedies for gallstones are also good for preventing the occurrence of gallstones.
Gallstones are a source of pain and discomfort for many people. The symptoms are sometimes not present if the gallbladder stones are small in size, as the stone progresses or increase its size, sharp and severe abdominal pain in the right upper or middle abdomen is usually experienced. There are basically two types of gallstones - cholesterol stones and pigment stones.
Home Remedies for Gallstone Removal
Some of the popular home remedies to get rid of gallstones are given below:
1. Gallbladder stones are often painful, and the pain may worsen if you eat the wrong foods. The build up of bad cholesterol levels in the bile leads to the formation of cholesterol gallstones, so a person with gallstone should avoid eating foods that increase cholesterol.
2. Drinking lots of water will prevent and cure gallbladder stones. Water gets rid of excess cholesterol in the body through sweat. Once the cholesterol is removed, the stones automatically dissolve.
3. As fiber helps to remove cholesterol from the body, increasing the consumption of high-fiber food is effective in getting rid of gallbladder stones fast.
4. Vitamin C will remove your gallstone quickly. Vitamin C helps to convert cholesterol into bile acids, which will help in dissolving cholesterol gallstones fast.
5. Quebra Pedra is perhaps one of best natural remedies for gallbladder stone removal. Taken as a tea, Quebra Pedra is effective to cure the gallstones. It also help to relieve the pain associated to gallstones. Take 2 teaspoons of this herb and mix with 500 mL of water. Consume this drink throughout the day.
6. A regular and sufficient consumption of green tea helps to eliminate toxins and dissolve stones in the gall bladder. The powerful antioxidants present in green tea work against any stone formation in the gall bladder and cause any existent stones to decompose and slowly get eliminated from the body.
7. Another simple and effective remedy for gallbladder and gallstone is to have a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile tea holds anti spasmodic and anti inflammatory properties and helps in controlling the formation of gallbladder stones.
8. Wild yam is an herb that may be helpful for stone in gallbladder treatment. Wild yam, a natural cure for gallstones, increases the bile flow and its production. Wild yam root has an antispasmodic effect on the bile duct, therefore helping alleviate ache form the stones.
9. Peppermint tea is known for easing the pain as it soothes the stomach and helps dissolve the gall bladder stones. Peppermint contains terpenses, compounds believed to dissolve gallbladder stone fast and prevent new ones from forming. Peppermint has anti-spasmodic effects and can help manage the pain of gallstone attacks.
10. Rosemary is another home remedy for stones in gallbladder. It stimulates bile production and relieves spasms in the bile duct. It is well-known for aiding fat digestion.
11. Consume plenty of citrus foods and even apples as they rich in pectin, a gel-forming dietary fiber that is known to be effective for treating stones in gallbladder. Pectin binds with cholesterol and aids in its excretion.
12. Oregon grape enhances blood flow to the liver and increases bile production. It also decreases gallbladder inflammation. You can combine this with other herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion. This can be an effective herbal home remedy for gallstone removal.
With the help of the above home remedies and herbs, you will be able to dissolve gallbladder stones fast. You also need to make simple lifestyle changes such as losing weight, eating a healthy diet, avoiding constipation, regular exercise etc to protect the health of your gallbladder. However if your symptoms are acute, particularly if you find that the pain is chronic and not improving with natural remedies, make sure to have your case investigated by a medical expert.