How to Get Rid of Skin Moles Naturally
Moles appear as dark brown or black spots. They may be round or oval or their shape may be slightly irregular. Some are flat and others are raised. Basically,skin moles are caused by excess accumulation of melanocytes. To some, a facial mole is a beauty mark. To others, it is an embarrassing blemish. You can remove skin moles by methods such as surgery or the use of home remedies. There are several mole removal creams that are available in the market these days. These creams will aid you to remove the moles rather easily. Natural treatment is alternative to moles removal surgery. At-home treatments are effective at removing moles naturally. Learn effective mole removal methods that can be used in the privacy of your own home.
However, before you decide to remove moles using any form of treatment it is important that you have the moles examined first. Most benign moles can be removed through skin mole removal at home remedies. While malignant or cancerous moles should not be removed using just any treatment. Malignant moles require different approach of treatments should they have to be removed.
Best Home Remedies for Mole Removal
Natural treatments for skin mole removal use natural ingredients that can be found within the household. Here are some of the best home remedies that may help you get rid of a skin mole naturally.
1. Honey is a great home remedy for removing moles. Apply the purest form of honey over your moles every morning and night until they disappear.
2. Cauliflower juice is considered as one of the best home remedies for mole removal. Rub cauliflower juice on your skin to get rid of moles fast.
3. Dry roast pomegranate peels and grind to a coarse powder. Add juice of a lemon to this powder and make a paste. Regular application of this paste on your face helps in reducing and lightening moles.
4. A daily application of fresh pineapple juice to a mole is a best treatment for skin tag and mole removal. Alternatively, you can use slices of freshly cut pineapple.
5. Milkweed herb extract removes moles in a week’s time. Apply the extract of the milkweed herb on the mole for removing it fast.
6. You can use onion juice for removing moles and skin tags. Apply the juice of onion onto the facial mole on a very regular basis to get rid of moles fast. This is an all natural mole removal method that you can use easily at home.
7. Apply tea tree oil directly to a clean mole. Massage and leave it on overnight. Wash the face as normal in the morning and repeat nightly.
8. Taking potassium supplement is helpful in the removal of warts and moles. Apple cider vinegar, rich in potassium mineral, is useful for preventing skin mole.
9. Flaxseeds are one of the best at home remedies to get rid of mole problem. Flaxseed oil and ground flaxseeds are best for removing facial moles.
10. Castor oil is among one of the top natural mole removal remedies. Massaging the skin with castor oil can make them disappear naturally at home.
11. Another natural treatment is to add lime juice to the paste of drumsticks and apply it over the skin moles. This home remedy is also effective for skin tag removal.
12. Juice extracted from coriander leaves is also beneficial to get rid of skin mole naturally.
13. A cotton swab soaked in apple cider vinegar, placed over the mole and taped in place is also another effective manner by which moles can be eliminated.
14. Another at home mole removal treatment utilizes garlic. Applying a piece of sliced garlic may work wonders. It should be applied numerous times a day for several days. This procedure has a disadvantage bad odor.
15. Dandelion weed can be used to treat moles. Use of the dandelion plant is completely natural and safe. Chop off the roots of the plant. Rub the roots on the mole till the juices are extricated. The juices should cover the mole entirely. Perform this activity everyday for three weeks.
16. One of the best natural methods to get rid of skin moles is the use of a sour apple. Sour apple juice can dissolve a mole when applied regularly. After continuing this natural technique of home mole removal, you may notice that the mole has lost considerable color and size in a period of three weeks.
Salicylic Acid for Mole Removal: Out of the other ingredients salicylic acid is probably the strongest one when it comes fighting off moles and other skin conditions. The source of the acid is the bark of the willow tree. You will find many skin treatment creams use it in their ingredients since it has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Salicylic acid can be found in many fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, dates, blackberries, raisins, mushrooms and cantaloupes among many others.
These are some effective natural remedies that you can use at home to remove moles. One of the main benefits when it comes to removing moles with natural products is that you can do it in the comfort of their own home and there is generally no scarring. The mole simply falls of once the product has been sufficiently applied.You may have to keep at the application of such remedies, however. Some such mole removal treatments may require several weeks of conscientious and regular application before you see the effects.