How to Get Rid of Redness from Acne: 17 Best Natural Remedies to Reduce Redness of Pimple

How to Get Rid of Redness of Pimple

Everyone gets acne that can cause irritation and redness. The acne red marks occurs as a reaction to bacteria, inflammation of pores, or overall irritation. Home remedies can help in getting rid of acne redness and rejuvenate the facial skin. Read on to find out how to get rid of acne redness.

How to Treat Acne Redness - Home Remedies on How to Get rid of Redness from Acne

These exists effective natural ways to remove acne marks. Here are the best home remedies for red face. Try these acne marks treatment at home for getting rid of acne redness.

1. Coconut oil home remedies for red face. Using coconut oil is one of the best natural methods on how to get rid of acne redness overnight. Coconut oil is said to be effective soothing agents that helps calm the swelling and redness on your face and neck. Directly applying either of these oils can help to relive the itchiness and help to get rid of the redness from a pimple. when it is applied, it is absorbed quickly and immediately begins to reduce the inflammation from acne that is already present.

2. Tooth paste remedy on how to get rid of red acne. You can reduce redness of acne and swelling of a pimple using toothpaste. For getting rid of acne redness, cover the area completely with a thin coat of toothpaste right before bed, let dry, and leave on overnight. Wash your face with a mild cleanser to remove the toothpaste and take off any oils that may have accumulated overnight. Try a soaked tea bag, witch hazel, and lemon juice to get rid of the redness from a pimple.

3. Application of tea tree oil on the redness of pimple is beneficial to reduce acne redness. The oil must first be mixed with some carrier oil and then applied to the acne red marks. Tea tree oil has anti bacterial oil and if also very effective in reducing the redness of acne or irritation of the skin.

4. To get rid of redness from acne, you could mix together 4 tablespoons of Fullers earth and mix it with 2 tablespoons of milk in a bowl to form a loose paste. Then gently apply this mixture onto your face especially concentrating on the red skin on face. Leave it on for 15 minutes till the pack is dry and then using a swab of wet cotton and slowly wash the pack off. After washing it off make sure that you lightly apply some coconut or almond oil onto the red acne scars and avoid going out for a few hours.

5. Fullers earth for getting rid of acne redness. How to get rid of red acne scars using fullers earth.You could also make a thick paste by mixing some fuller’s earth with the juice of a raw potato and use this as a natural cleanser to get rid of redness after acne. For another remedy, blend an egg white, some fuller’s earth and half a cup of distilled water till the mixture becomes uniformly smooth. Massage this paste on your acne scars and redness and leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it away with water.

6.  Ice remedy helps get rid of redness from acne. Take few ice cube s and cover them in a clean cloth. Keep this cloth on your redness of acne for about 30 minutes. This home remedy also reduces swelling and inflammation. Cold temperatures will decrease the flow of blood to the affected area and decrease the inflammation and help get rid of skin redness.

7. This is a simple home remedy to treat acne redness and the itching caused by the acne. A teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey may be applied to the acne affected skin with the help of a cotton ball.

8. This is another best red acne scar treatment. Mix honey and oats in a bowl and massage this mixture gently on to the red acne spots in circular motion to get rid of acne redness. You can also make a facial mask by mixing oatmeal, egg white, and baking soda and apply to the red skin spots. Regular use of oatmeal on the red blotches on skin balances and calms reactive, red and sensitive skin. This red skin remedy is also best for treating rosacea around mouth.

9. Use warm salt water to get rid of acne redness. One of the best home remedies for redness from pimples is to wash ones face with some warm salt water at least twice a day. This facial treatment should ensure that the skin remains oil free which would otherwise aggravate the redness of acne.

6.  How to treat acne redness using chamomile oil. One of the best home remedies to get rid of the redness from a pimple is applying chamomile oil. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile oil reduce redness of acne and rashes dramatically when applied to the skin. Combine 3 drops of chamomile oil with 5 drops of jojoba oil to dilute it, and then massage the oil onto the face to get rid of red acne scars. This is one of the best home remedies for red face.

10. Fenugreek leaves is one of the best product for acne scars and redness. To reduce redness of acne, soak a handful of fenugreek leaves in a cup of water for half an hour, then grind them to a fine paste and apply this on your face. After about 15 minutes, wash it away with lukewarm water. This is one of the best home remedies for red face.

11. If your face is red from acne, apply aloe vera to get rid of acne scars and redness. Pure aloe vera extract or gel help get rid of redness after acne. It could help to provide the required moisturizer and reduce the inflammation in the facial skin. You can also mix a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 1 – 2 teaspoons of pure aloe vera gel or juice. Apply on the redness on face and leave on for at least 10 minutes, or overnight to get rid of red acne scars.

12. For another effective remedy for redness from acne, crush a handful of Margosa leaves to pulp by adding a little water and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Now massage your skin gently with this paste and allow it to dry naturally in the air. Wash your skin with water when it feels completely dry. Both Margosa and turmeric have natural antibacterial properties that help destroy microbes that might be growing in pimples and make acne disappear in a week or two.

13. A pinch of turmeric powder mixed with the juice extracted from fresh mint leaves also helps get rid of acne redness when used regularly. Rubbing the skin around the acne gently with a clove of crushed garlic also helps to reduce acne redness. The strong chemicals present in the juice of garlic disinfects and dries out the pimples naturally.

14. Apply papaya pulp to get rid of acne redness. Leave the papaya mask on for about 20 minutes and then wash it off for getting rid of red marks from acne. The enzymes in papaya will help remove dark spots, brown spots, and red spots on face.

 15. Another remedy to reduce red acne spots is by grating a cucumber into a pulp and spread that pulp over the affected areas and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. You can also squeeze out the juice of the cucumber pulp and store and use it to dab your skin at regular intervals, this will also help to slowly fade the acne marks.

16. Another effective remedy to get rid of red scars from acne is to puree two large tomatoes and add to them a tablespoon of honey and some finely powdered oatmeal. This paste should be applied on the affected areas and allowed to dry for 10 minutes before being rinsed off with cold water. You should also rub your skin very gently with a thin slice of a ripe tomato for 5 minutes twice every day. The juice of tomato has natural astringent properties which unclogs the pores on the surface of the skin and makes acne disappear without leaving behind ugly scars and marks.

17. The inside of the banana peel can help get rid of acne redness fast. In order to remove redness from acne, take a small piece of banana peel and rub it on the redness of acne for a few minutes until the inside of the peel turns brown. Rubbing a banana peel on your face helps to get rid of redness from acne.

Facial redness from acne is a common condition that many people suffer from every day. Try these home remedies for reducing redness on face from acne. These are the best treatments on how to get rid of redness from acne naturally.


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